
I am currently working as a senior performance engineer at Arm Ltd., Austin, US. My job responsibilities include automating the process of performance analysis over various workloads; and ananlyzing the performance bottlenecks of openjdk on arm and x86 CPUs. Before that, I obtained my Degree of Ph.D. at Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, December. 2019. During my PhD study, I did research on stateless model checking, relaxed memory models, concurrency debugging, symbolic execution and testing. I got my Degree of B.S from Department of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, June 2015.

Work Experience

  • Senior performance engineer @ Arm Ltd, Austin US.
    Feb. 2020 - Present, Southwest Parkway #100, Austin, TX
    Automate the process of performance analysis; Java performance analysis

  • Research intern @ Alibaba Group US.
    May 2018 - Aug. 2018, Sunnyvale, California, 94085
    Study real crashes caused by the improper use of Java Unsafe API, and present a bytecode-level transformation to check the safety violation of Java Unsafe API at runtime.

Publications [Google Scholar]

  1. [ICSE’19] SafeCheck: Safety Enhancement of Java Unsafe API
    Shiyou Huang, Jianmei Guo and etc (an intern projcet at Alibaba)
    [pdf] [slides] [bibtex]
  2. [USENIX ATC’17] Towards Production-Run Heisenbugs Reproduction on Commercial Hardware
    Shiyou Huang, Bowen Cai and Jeff Huang
    [pdf] [slides] [bibtex]
  3. [ECOOP’17] Speeding Up Maximal Causality Reduction with Static Dependency Analysis
    Shiyou Huang and Jeff Huang
    [pdf] [slides] [bibtex]
  4. [OOPSLA’16] Maximal Causality Reduction for TSO and PSO
    Shiyou Huang and Jeff Huang
    [pdf] [slides] [bibtex]
  5. Open Source: MCR for stateless model checking.

Prior Teaching Experiences at Texas A&M University

  • CSCE111: Introduction to Computer Science Concepts and Programming (instructor), Fall 2018
  • CSCE314: Programming Languages Haskell and Java, Spring 2018
  • CSCE431: Software Engineering, Spring 2017
  • CSCE606: Software Engineering, Fall 2016


  • Graduate Teaching Fellowship, Department of Engineering. (07/2018)
  • Graduate Research Excellence Award, Department of CSE. (03/2017)
  • ACM SIGPLAN PAC Award. (OOPSLA 2016)
  • ACM SIGSOFT CAPS Award. (ICSE 2016)
  • Third Place, Student Research Competition. (ICSE 2016)